Exhibition Prize Winners 2021

Elina Äärelä, Silent Voice

Elina Äärelä, Silent Voice

Ines Kalliala, Personal Uniform

Ines Kalliala, Personal Uniform

Kristian David, To Construct a Bridge

Kristian David, To Construct a Bridge

Idaliina Friman, Hetta

Idaliina Friman, Hetta

2021 Exhibition Prize

Idaliina Friman, Ines Kalliala, Kristian David and Elina Äärelä are selected by Philip Warkander and Ane Lynge-Jorlén, co-curators of the exhibition Future Nordic Fashion at the museum Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde in Stockholm. The four designers are selected on their impressive design skills, aesthetic vision and ability to communicate in an exhibition context. They are united by their personal approaches to fashion and their awareness of history and culture. Their work is included in Future Nordic Fashion that was on show at Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde from 24 April through 3 October 2021.