Kristian David

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To Construct a Bridge

Finalist Kristian David’s work, To Construct a Bridge, is prompted by the designer’s multicultural background as a Swedish-born Assyrian with Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqi roots. David, a graduate of The Swedish School of Textiles, uses his hybrid collection as a vessel to communicate cultural complexities, fusing inspiration from Pierre Cardin’ Pagoda shoulders with the keffiyeh, the chequered scarf and quintessential symbol of the Palestinian fight, power suiting and long-sleeved ankle-length thobes, which are traditionally worn in the Middle East and in the Arab countries. Uniting the Westerly reserved category of power dressing with dress practices of the Middle East, David’s collection acts as a catalyst to connect disconnected worlds. 

Kristian David is one of the recipients of the joint Exhibition Prize 2021. His collection will be featured as part of the exhibition Future Nordic Fashion at the art museum Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde in Stockholm, 24 April-3 October.
